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an artist book with 11 terragraphics and various Greek and German texts as well as a serigraphy by Helge Leiberg.
Published in June 2010 in an edition of 19 Arabic and 3 Roman numbered hand signed copies. | | | | | |
an artist book
published in May 2001
edition 250 Arabic and 25 Roman numbered and hand signed copies | | | | | |
KAILAS - Gang Rinpoche - The Snow Jewel
an artist book with 16 terragraphics, an old Tibetan text, the blessing of H.H. the IVX. Dalai Lama and a foreword by H.H. Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang
edition 108 numbered and hand signed copies
published in October 1999 | | | | | |
An artist book with 19 Terragraphics, which are illustrated with texts in English or German and bound in handmade Rhino-Dung-Paper.
Published in 1998 in an edition of 19 Arabic and 3 Roman numbered copies. | | | | | |
RUAUMOKO - The Unborn Child, the Guardian of Volcanoes and Earthquakes,
an artist book with 14 Terragraphics by Ekkeland Goetze and 12 poems by Hone Tuwhare.
Published 1997 in an edition of 17 signed copies numbered with Arabic numerals and 5 signed copies numbered with Roman numerals. | | | | | |
KOKOWAI - The Sacred Red of the Maori
a leporello book with 10 terragraphics and the creation myth of Kokowai.
Published 1999 in an edition of 17 signed copies numbered with Arabic numerals and 5 signed copies numbered with Roman numerals. | | | | | |
an artist book with 16 original terragraphics
published 1995
106 pages in an edition of 16 Arabic and 9 Roman copies, signed and numbered, handbound in wooden plates, size 41 x 41 cm. | | | | | |
(Elephants in snow),
a book object containing 3 books in the size 18.5 x 18.5 cm, produced in an edition of 24 Arabic and 6 Roman copies, signed and numbered. | | | | | |
a book with 16 original Terragraphics and an Original-Earth-Leaf.
Published 1993 in a handbound edition of 16 signed copies numbered with Arabic numerals and 9 signed copies numbered with Roman numerals. | | | | | |
Berliner Mauer - TODESSTREIFEN,
(Berlin Wall - Death Strip)
a book with 29 original Terragraphics and serigraphics (photo images)
Published in 1992 in an edition of 29 Arabic and 9 Roman copies, signed and numbered. | | | | | |
a book with 16 original Terragraphics from Værøy, an island North of the polar circle, a description of the sea around this island and the Moskenesstrømmen with a poem by Roland Heer.
Published in 1992 in an edition from 16 Arabic and 5 Roman copies, signed and numbered.
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a book with 24 original Terragraphics and a text by Anne-Marie Bonnet.
Published in 1990 in an edition of 25 signed and numbered copies. | | | | | |
a book with 8original Terragraphics and 3 Serigraphics,
16 pages in the size 26 x 21 cm,
published in 1990 in an edition of 13 signed and numbered copies.
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