We were born here and we grew up here. We are used to this place. I believe that we shall also die here. We got married in order to build a family here, just like our parents did. I even have brothers and sisters who already have grandchildren. One has got several advantages here, it is a calm place to live, and one has a better chance of survival here. These are good reasons why we stay here.
About six to seven years ago, the situation here was very difficult. Lots of immigrants took our land away. But the land was not maintained and the forest was destroyed. That seems to be past now. We are sad about everything that happened here. But we live here, our relatives and our friends are also all here.
Before one was able to do a lot of fishing, now the technology and the competition is too great.
Before everything was easier. I believe that I actually grew up at a certain period in time, that means that I have understood what took place here. Due to both bad and good experiences.
How it will be in the future one cannot foresee; whether we will live for a long time, who knows?
But we know one thing: this is our place.
Told by Nielson Tapajos de Siqueiros in Jari do Socoro am Igarapi do Jari, on 20th September 2000.